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Store Data



function stakeOrCreateStore(streamIdOrPath: string, amount: BigNumberish);

Creates a stream in LogStore and/or stake some funds to the provided stream.

  • streamIdOrPath is the ID or path of the stream to be added.
  • amount is a BigNumberish type representing the amount to be staked on the stream.


function isLogStoreStream(streamIdOrPath: string);

Checks if a stream is assigned to a storage node.

  • streamIdOrPath is the ID or path of the stream to check.


function getLogStoreStreams();

It gets all streams assigned to a storage node.

Returns a Promise that resolves to an object with a blockNumber property indicating the current blockchain state and a Stream[] property representing the list of streams stored on LogStore nodes.


import { StreamrClient } from 'streamr-client';
import { LogStoreClient } from '@logsn/client';

const streamrClient = new StreamrClient({
auth: {
privateKey: 'your-private-key',
const logStoreClient = new LogStoreClient(streamrClient);

// Create a new stream -- from StreamrClient
const newStream = await streamrClient.createStream({
id: 'domain/streamId',

// Adding the stream to logstore and staking some tokens to it.
// Tokens used to fund storage.
await logStoreClient.stakeOrCreateStore(myStreamId, STAKE_AMOUNT);

// Publish messages to this stream
streamrClient.publish(myStreamId, {
hello: 'world',