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Query Data



async function queryStake(amount: bigint, options = { usd: false });

Stakes the specified amount of funds in order to perform queries.

  • amount is a bigint type
  • options is an object with a single optional property, usd, which is a boolean indicating whether the amount is in USD.


async function query(
streamDefinition: StreamDefinition,
input: QueryInput,
onMessage?: MessageListener,
): Promise<LogStoreMessageStream>;

Queries a stream for historical data.

  • streamDefinition is an object containing the stream ID and partition that should be queried.
  • input is an object that defines the query options. It can be of type QueryInput and can have different forms like QueryLast, QueryRange, QueryFrom.
  • onMessage is an optional callback function for each message retrieved from the stream.

Returns a Promise that resolves to a LogStoreMessageStream object, providing an alternative way of iterating through the messages.


// Staking some funds for the purpose of making a query
await logStoreClient.queryStake(STAKE_AMOUNT);

const queryResult = await logStoreClient.query(myStreamId, {
from: {
timestamp: 1685272949531,
to: {
timestamp: 1685272962273,

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